OSA Clubhouse Blended Scotch Whisky 50ml

    OSA Clubhouse Blended Scotch Whisky 50ml


    Product description

    The Taste:  An exceptional blend of rich fruit flavours balanced with a hint of peat smoke and an undertone of sweet spiciness that leaves a fresh, mouth-watering finish. What is the Clubhouse Blend? ‘This exceptional blended Scotch whisky contains grain and mature malt Scotch whiskies form Speyside, Highlands and Islay. The result is a complex rich fruit flavour and long finish.’ The key ingredients which help to make our Clubhouse blend so desirable are the Islay and Speyside malts. The Islay adds a peaty and smoky hint and the Speyside a rich and fruity character, which is recognised as being at the heart of all good blends. Clubhouse has around 30% of aged malts to the blend. What is important is the quality of these malts and the fact that they are all over five years old, which adds considerably to the Clubhouse smooth cherished flavour.


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